lingling's Perspective


Hi! I worked on Dungeon Defense with NuTrynity and VortexB. I have done two game jams in the past but am still relatively a beginner. For this jam,  since I had only worked individually before, I wanted the experience of working with a team of people who are also passionate about game dev. I also mainly wanted to learn more about Unity and C# that I could apply to future projects.

What I Learned


From this project, I learned more techniques in C# and Unity and better programming and design practices. I now know how to write code with better readability and implement features in Unity to be more optimized with better design. On the other hand, this was also the first time I've helped out a less experienced person and taught someone else what I know about C# and Unity. 


Although I am a hobby artist, I had never specifically done pixel art/animations for a game prior to this jam, so I learned about some differences between making good pixel art vs normal-resolution digital art. Unfortunately, due to time crunch, I also made some assets that went unused.

(some sprites I drew)

(unused animations)

This is the first time I have tried to make a music track for a game. After hearing it in-game though, I realize that it is quite short and becomes obnoxious very quickly. From this experience, I definitely have a better idea of how to write a good track for any music I write for future projects.

Personal Experience

From doing a little bit of everything and learning more about coding, art, and music, working on this game gave me more confidence in my ability to bring my game ideas to life. I also really enjoyed working with the other members of my group. I'm happy with my experience and what I learned from the jam and I look forward to putting what I learned to use in future games.

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